Friday, 1 November 2019

Social Media Dos and Don’ts- A Must For School Children

Social media is a new and innovative way to network. With the rise in Social networking sites, the internet revolution is entering a new phase. It makes social networks apps essential and part of our daily life. Social media aids people in establishing better relationships with their family and friends by allowing them to remain connected with each other via the internet. communication skills 

communication skills

With the rise in the usage of Social Media sites, it is beneficial for everyone to understand a few do’s and don’ts.


While receiving or sending any friend request, it is must for us to do some certain amount of research about the person. 
We should 

Ø  Check if the account is genuine or not 
Ø  Try and understand the reason behind the request. 
Ø  Accept requests only after checking and verifying all the details.
Ø  Accepting and sending requests blindly, will only open a pandora box of problems.

Trolling and Bullying

At times social media channels are being used for trolling and bullying. We must ensure that we are not part of any such activity. Best way to ensure that is by the effective use of privacy settings and by avoiding our participation in any post that falls in the category of cyberbullying

Expressing yourself

The best side of social media is that it can be used as a platform to express views and educate readers. Anyone can use social media to write stories, share opinions and to speak about concerning problems.

Converting Connections

With a little initiative and right approach, we can Convert our connections into acquaintances and professional associations. 
The approach includes
Posting positive content
Supporting and sharing right posts
Avoiding post related to fear-mongering, bullying and troll wing


Unfortunately, most parents don’t understand social media that well. Considering the current reality of social media, which has become not only a force of incredible power but also an energy that is challenging age-old traditional ideas. It’s time that social media skills should be taught in school students without delay.

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